
ucd confucius institute for ireland 
university college dublin, belfield, dublin 4, ireland
e-mail: liming.wang@ucd.ie
tel: +353 1 716 3000 fax: +353 1 716 3030










Bellassen, Joël., Sun, L., Li, L. (ed.) (2023) The Origin and Influence of Chinese Language Teaching in Europe Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of EACT, Matadepera: Lamolapress, Spain-EU.

Li, L., et al. (2018) An Analysis of the Application of Digital Methods to International Chinese Pedagogy, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

Li, L., Brugha, C., Massey, S., Wang, L. (2016) Doing Business with China: The Irish Advantage and Challenge, Cork: Oak Tree Press.

Li, L. (2016) Popular Religion in Modern Chinese Politics: The New Role of Nuo, Oxfordshire: Routledge & CRC Press.

Li, L., Brugha, C., Wang, L. (2010) Doing Business in China: Irish Experience, Dublin: Blackhall Publishing.

Li, L. (2008) Reinvention of the Belief - An anthropological Study of the Chinese Popular Religion of Nuo, Kunming: Yunnan People’s Publisher.

O’Leary, R., Li, L. (2008) Mainland Chinese Students and Immigrants in Ireland and Their Engagement with Christianity, the Churches and Irish Society, Dublin: Dublin University Far Eastern Mission and the China Educational and Cultural Liaison Committee.

Book Chapters

Li, Li., (2024), “Nuo Masks in History and in Contemporary South-West China” in Chau, A. Y. (ed.) Chinese Religious Culture in 100 Objects. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Li, L., (2021), “The Road to Modern China”, in Michael Ruse and Stephen Bullivant (ed.), The Cambridge History of Atheism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Li, L. (2009) “Who Controls the Fate of an ICH: A Case Study of Nuo (儺) in Southwest China” in Ségio Lira, Rogério Amoê, Cristina Prinheiro, João Pinheiro, Fernando Oliveira (eds.), Sharing Culture 2009, Barcelos: Green Lines Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Sustentâvel.

Edited Textbooks

Li, L., et al. Chief editor of the Textbook for Leaving Cert Chinese, London: Sinolingua London Ltd. (in the process of discussion).

Li, L., et al. (2024) Chief editor of the Chinese for Teenagers, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Li, L., et al. (2019) Chief editor of the Chinese for Junior Cycle Short Course, officially launched by the for the former Minister of Education Ireland, Ruairi Quinn.

Li, L., et al. (2012) Chief editor of the Teaching Pack on Chinese Culture and Language for Transition Year, launched by the then Minister for Education and skills in Ireland, TD. Ruairi Quinn and officially recommended by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in Ireland (NCCA) to Irish post-primary schools.

Journal Articles

Wang, A, Li, L. (2022) “Think Globally, Teach Locally: Representation of Chinese Culture in the Chinese Textbooks of Ireland” International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, Vol. 3 (2) 40-56.

Li, L., (2021) “Declining of Chinese Popular Religion in the Totalitarian Era: The Case of Nuo”, Culture and Religion. 22 (3), 299-323. DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2023.2260016

Li, L., C., Brugha, M. Gallagher, (2017), “Language Protection, The Case of Irish” in Studies in Arts and Humanities Journal. Vol. 3, No 2.

Li, L., (2016) ‘Materialising Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities’ (book review:) in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Volume 22, Issue 4.

Li, L., Tang, X. et al. (2012) “Localisation of Teaching Materials in Irish Secondary School TY Unit” in Dian Huang & Mingjie Xing (eds.) Innovations in Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Applied Chinese Language Studies III, London: Sinolingua London Ltd.

Li, L. (2011) “The Changing Role of the Popular Religion of Nuo in Modern Chinese Politics”, Modern Asian Studies, 45, 5, pp1280-1311.

Li, L., Wildy, D. (2005) “A New Discovery and its Significance: The Statutory Declarations Made by Sir Robert Hart Concerning His Secret Domestic Life in 19th Century China”, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol.43.

Li, L., (1997) (Tran.) “Ethnomusicology and Performance Analysis” in People’s Music, Vol.4 & 5.

Li, L., (1994) “A Comparative Study between Chinese and Western Theory of Artistic Inspiration” in Qi Ma (eds.) in A Comparative Study between Chinese and Western Aesthetics, Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.

Li, L., (1990) “A Leading Study of Chinese Cultural Anthropology” in Chinese Culture, April 25, 1990, Beijing.

Li, L., (1990) “Shamanism and the Origin of Chinese Love Songs in Antiquity”, in Journal of Renmin University of China, Vol.5, 1990, Beijing.

Papers Presented in Conferences

Li, L., Wang, L. (2023) “Exploring the Features and Impact of Early Chinese Teaching in Ireland” in The Second International Conference on the History of Teaching Chinese as Second/Foreign Language, USA, 27 May.

Li, L., Xuan, L. (2023) “Irish College Entrance Examination in Mandarin Chinese: Experiences and Challenges” in the 4th International Symposium of the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT), UK, 21 April.

Li, L., W., Amily. (2021) “Successful Intercultural Communication with China, the Case of Sir Robert Hart” in the 3rd International Symposium of the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT), 30 October.

Wang, L., Li, L. (2019) “Chinese Language, Mathematical Thinking and Brian Function”, in The Teaching Chinese Language and Culture Forum, SOAS, University of London, April.

Li, L., Nowlan, N., Furlong, E., Wang, L. (2019) “The Development of Chinese Teaching in Ireland – Opportunities, Innovations and Challenges”, presented at the 2nd International Symposium of the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT), 12-13 April.

Li, L., Zhang, C., Wang, H., Wang, J. (2016) “A Further Research on Using Electronic Means to Teach Chinese Characters to Non-Native speaker Learners” presented at The Colloquium on Chinese Character Teaching and Learning, SOAS, University of London,12 April.

Li, L., et al. (2015) “A Research on Using Electronic Means to Teach Chinese Characters to Non-Native speaker Learners” presented at the 13th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education, University of Oxford, 8-10 July.

Li, L., et. Al (2013) “Localisation of Teaching Materials and Teachers to Promote Chinese Language and Culture Teaching in Irish Secondary Schools”, presented at the 11th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education, University of Nottingham, 29 June – 1 July.

Li, Li., (2007) “Preservation or Exploration: the intangible cultural heritage in the process of commercialisation”, presented at The Inaugural Conference of the UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland and the Irish Institute for Chinese Studies: “Rising China in the Age of Globalisation”, Dublin City University, 16-18 August.

O’Leary, R., Li, L. (2007) “Encounters with Christianity among Immigrant Chinese in the Republic of Ireland”, presented at the Annual Conference of British Institute for Chinese Studies, University of Oxford, on 21st February.

Li, L., O’Leary, R. (2006) “How Implementation of the Post-Mao Party-State Policies Changed the Position of the Non-Institutionalised Religion of Nuo”, presented at The Annual Conference of BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, University of Manchester, 3-5 April.

Li, L. (2004) “The Tujia’s Ethnic Identity and the Revival of the Nuo Religion”, presented at the 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, 7-11 July.

Li, L., O’Leary, R. (2004) “Reinvention of the Nuo Ritual and the Tujia’s Ethnicity”, presented at The Annual conference of British Association for Chinese Studies, University of Durham, 9 -10 January.

Li, L., Wildy, D. (2003) “A New Discovery and Its Significance: The Statutory Declarations Made by Sir Robert Hart Concerning His Secret Domestic Life in 19th Century China”, presented at The International Conference on Career and Legacy of Sir Robert Hart, Queen’s University of Belfast, 26-27 September.

Survey Research Report:

Li, L., Nowlan, E. (2009) Demand for Mandarin Chinese Teaching in Irish Post-Primary School (launched by the then Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin, TD.).

Li, L., Nowlan, E., Furlong, E. (2019) Chinese as A Foreign Language in Post-Primary Schools in Ireland: Demand, Growth and Sustainability (launched by the former Irish Minister for Education and skills, Ruairi Quinn).